What We’re Reading This Week 6-20

Before Watchmen, Comedian, Brian AzzarelloWe’ve been talking a lot about Before Watchmen. Why? Because it is a unique one of a kind event. This week is extremely exciting! The first of 2 titles written by Brian Azzarello is here. Before Watchmen: Comedian is sure to be the darkest story yet in the Watchmen series, only second to Rorschach. For those of you who don’t understand the excitement, understand this Brian Azzarello is a great writer. All you need to do is look up his amazing series 100 Bullets to see why his work on Before Watchmen will be great. If you need more convincing  Azzarello also did a fatastic job written Batman and the stand only graphic novel Joker, bring Heath Ledger’s Joker to comics. Brian Azzarello’s skills are made for characters like the Comedian and Rorschach. Before Watchmen: Comedian is not to be missed.

X-Men vs Avengers, Scarlet Witch, PheonixMarvel has an explosive week ahead. Astonishing X-Men #51 the Wedding issue is here. This has sparked conversations, protest, boycotts and comments like “Astonishing X-Men? They didn’t cancel that after Warren Ellis run!?!” Time will tell if this is a historic issue or not but its and X-men Wedding and Marvel knows how to do an X-Men Wedding! Bigger news is Avengers vs X-Men Act 2 Starts with issue 6. Jonathan Hickman (Ultimates) and Olivier Copiel (Seige, Mighty THOR) come to the title. With the mind altering twist of issue 5 this is sure to have some shocking events. If the Variant cover is a clue the Scarlet Witch is in play and is ready to bring the pain. We will also have a special look at Daredevil #14 coming soon so keep your eyes open for that.

The Walking Dead, Zombies, Vaiants
Image thanks to CBR

The Next installment of the Epic which is The Walking Dead is here. If you have not read any of this amazing story get your hands on issues 97,98 and this weeks 99. You have 1 Month to read thru the collected volumes and be ready for what might be the largest event in comic book history to date. Reports are issue 100 is already at 330,000 copies thats more than the Justice League. There are 9 covers to be had. This issue like every single issue of The Walking Dead will sellout! With the anticipation for season 3, a milestone for any title, multiple covers by huge artist The Walking Dead may have become as unstopable as the Zombie hordes Rick and the Group must survive.

Brian’s Pick of the Week: Before Watchmen:Comedian, Saga, The Walking Dead

Jim’s Pick of the Week: Before Watchmen: Comedian, New Avengers

Bulldog’s Pick of the Week: Batman, Inc#2, Fables #118, Shadow #2, Before Watchmen: Comedian, Avengers vs X-Men #6


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