Avengers vs X-Men AvX #3 Review

Avengers vs X-Men AvX #3 Review. Are You Seeing This!?!

Avengers vs X-Men AvX #3 ReviewAvengers vs X-Men AvX #3 Review

OMG OMG OMG!!! The Avengers getting outsmarted by Cyclops and leaving Doctor Strange looking like Doctor Confused! Captain America and Wolverine going toe to toe and ending with Wolverine skydiving without a parachute over what looks like the Arctic Tundra! This series keeps getting more and more amazing! Can I put anymore exclamation points at the end of my review? Hellz yeah I can! This issue literally almost made me pee my pants. The Avengers looked as though they had the upper hand in Avengers vs X-Men #2 and AvX: VS #1, well think again. The game has changed and it appears that Wolverine is going to be playing outside of the rule book. Expect everything and expect nothing. I don’t care if that even makes sense…I’m outa breath. Just get this series already!

You can see more reviews from Burke at nerdfarmblog.com and be sure to pick up more Avengers vs X-Men while you #getyourfix at Cosmic Comics! today.

3 thoughts on “Avengers vs X-Men AvX #3 Review. Are You Seeing This!?!”

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