The Road to Spawn 300
In the next coming months Spawn is going to hit a milestone marker, issue 300. To celebrate this Todd McFarlane has and is dropping a few special issues spanning from issues #296-299. In true Todd fashion Spawn 300 will be an ode to his previous works, this one paying tribute to his extremely popular Spider-Man 300 cover.
Sure you could just wait for issue 300 to drop, but then you would miss the upcoming storyline that leads into it. The History of Spawn isn’t only like a sitcom’s clip show episode, it’s also the beginning of an ongoing story that’s going to come to a head during issue 300.
Spawn has gone through a lot since 1992. It’s hard to believe that I saw, embraced, and have lived to see Spawn grow and mutate into everything he’s been since I was 10. Sure I stopped reading Spawn around issue 20 something but, I never stopped loving the maggot faced bastard. He’s always been something special to me. I collected so many action figures, watched the entire HBO animated series, picked up a few Spawn books here-and-there, and I even watched the Spawn live action movie more than once. Hell, I even own the soundtrack which is arguable better than the film on compact disc. It’s not all the live action Spawn movie’s fault, 1995-2005 were a lawless time in film making.
I’ve grown up with Spawn and have been begging for an excuse to get back into it. This is why I jumped on The Road to Spawn 300, an excuse to figure out just what the hell the symbiote demon has been up to for the last 25+ years. I’m incredibly glad I did, starting with History of Spawn Parts 1 and 2 with #296 and #297 gave me an amazing recap of early issues spanning all the up to issue 100 and beyond. Reading through you get a taste of whats been happening recently and slurp up a tasty bit of nostalgia in the process.
The Road to Spawn 300 is a perfect jumping back in point in this un-killable character and franchise. Hit up the back pages of #296 and #297 to see the list of key issues you can now easily go search back issue long boxes for. It’s hard to say if everything Todd McFarlane has done with the Spawn story has ultimately been leading up to 300 but, it sure as hell seems that way. Start here and revisit all of those key issues The History of Spawn to hype yourself of for the war of these realms. Damn it, really? It really is a war of realms too isn’t it…
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