4 Kids Walk Into A Bank review
Yes, yes, yes, the 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank review is here, I’ve been waiting to spout off about this book since I first flipped through its pages right off of the shelves. Easily my pick of the week, 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank is boasted by Black Mask Studios as a “Fun(ish) Crime Caper… About Children”.
4 Kids Walk Into A Bank comes from We Can Never Go Home writer Matthew Rosenberg, a very underrated book, a book that much like 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank completely took me by surprise. Seriously though, if you haven’t read We Can Never Go Home you can and should pick up the trade that’s out now.
The crime caper part hasn’t exactly taken place in the first issue of 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank, but what has happened is pure entertainment. We’re talking wise cracking kids fucking up Dungeon & Dragons and fucking with legitimate thugs, like we’re talking a skin head and convicted murderer thugs.
4 Kids Walk Into A Bank is all brought together by artist Tyler Boss, who manages to frame the book like a classic Kevin Smith or Wes Anderson movie. Maybe that’s why I enjoy 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank so much, it has all of my favorite things. Sharp creative art combined with these witty and deep conversations. I can’t help but smile while I read it.
Black Mask Studios has a lot of similar dark ideas that haven’t exactly resonated well with me, well besides We Can Never Go Home that is, but 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank is a special different. I continue to think about it, I thought about it so much that I had to read it a second time. Don’t miss this book!