Avengers vs X-Men AvX #8 Review

Avengers vs X-Men AvX #8 Review. A Tyrannical Namor Against Wakanda

Avengers vs X-Men AvX #8 Review

Avengers vs X-Men AvX #8 Review

“The Destruction of Wakanda by King Namor of Atlantis”

In the 8th round of fighting between the Phoenix Five and the Avengers, the Avengers are still struggling to simply stay alive against the seemingly unstoppable power of the Phoenix. The Avengers have reverted to smoke and mirror tactics, but with the emergence of a portal and K’un-Lun, the battered team can further test the Phoenix’es patience.

The Avengers vs X-Men series is literally flying off of the shelves at Cosmic Comics! You’ll be lucky to pick up this highly acclaimed and fast selling book during it’s first print. Do not miss Round 8 and continue to read Burke’s review over at nerdfarmblog.com. Don’t make the mistake of missing out on these epic battles.


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