Avengers vs X-Men AvX #9 Review
Easily the most exciting and stress driven Marvel comic on the market right now, the Avengers vs X-Men series has taken each hero, including the more powerful Phoenix Five, to their breaking point. One team member of the Phoenix Five, Namor, in attempts to single-handedly destroy Wakanda and the Avengers in refuge there, was defeated. Consequently the Phoenix force left his body and divided it’s power among the remaining Phoenix Five members, making them that much more powerful.
Avengers are injured, lost, or worse imprisoned. Hope is training tirelessly in the mystical city of K’un Lun, waiting for her chance to prove her worth once more. The Phoenix force is beginning to corrupt the minds of the remaining bodies it inhabits, making the members unstable. The X-Men on Utopia can no longer watch as the Phoenix Five create abominations and destroy the very life they intended to protect. Magik has imprisoned members of the Avengers in a dimension similar to limbo, disguised as a volcano. The Avengers will attempt a desperate rescue mission and Spider-Man will find out, “sooner or later the time comes when it’s your turn to step up to the plate.” The plate being a power hungry Magik and her emotional torn brother Colossus.
Read the rest of Burke’s review at nerdfarmblog.com and check out the seriously rare variants when you #getyourfix at Cosmic Comics!
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