Avengers vs X-Men AvX #1 Review
“Round 1”
Arguably the biggest event in the comic book universe this year is here! With one optic blast from Cyclops, the fight for mutant or human kind is on like Donkey Kong. Avengers vs X-Men #1’s first page makes this battle look extremely lopsided, with the Avengers sporting 22 members and the greatly outnumbered X-Men standing with only 6 mutants. Wolverine and Beast sit in the middle like two kids placed awkwardly in a custody battle between divorcing parents, but really, the X-Men have Namor… Let’s be honest, Auquaman of the Marvel universe doesn’t count, so X-Men are really only five strong… for now. (Namor fans calm down, I kid.)
The pissing contest between Captain America and Cyclops stems from the impending return of the Phoenix. Captain America feels he’s protecting the best interests of Earth while Cyclops, sounding strangely similar to Magneto, wants the “rebirth” of an endangered mutant race. This will not end quietly.
The art is decent, it’s not brilliant, but it’s very overshadowed by the superb writing style of Brian Michael Bendis. Events happen quickly and without warning, a lot of it that makes you say “whoa” out loud. Each group puts up a strong argument; however, I feel there’s going to be some turmoil between each group surrounding the idea of doing the right thing. But what exactly is “the right thing” to do and will they follow their respective leaders or question their ulterior motives?
So far I am really feeling this book and I can’t wait to see what direction this story goes. There’s also this Augmented Reality thing that Marvel is introducing with the AvX event. You can download the mobile app for your iOS device here or your Android device here and take pictures of every box that contains the AR logo for a little extra in depth look into this book. It’s not much, but it adds a little extra to an already great book.
Hopefully you’re reading this review the day before AvX #1 drops in stores. What a coincidence that Cosmic Comics is having a celebratory release party just for you. When the comic book drops Tuesday, April 3rd make you’re way down to Cosmic Comics from 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. for prizes, cupcakes by the LEET Ladies, and oh, the first round of Avengers vs X-Men too. Every detail is on their Facebook and while you’re at it, give them a “Like” for more events and great reviews.
-Burke of nerdfarmblog.com
Thanks for sharing your review Burke. The issue sounds exciting and now I can’t wait for tomorrow night. You’re so lucky to have read it already!
Oh, and thanks for the info on the Marvel Augmented Reality App. Somehow I hadn’t heard about that yet.
So stoked for the party! I’m even making my sister come!
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