Batman Eternal #1 review
DC Comics isn’t finished promoting their “New 52” books, as much as some people may tire of it, they are still finding ways to creatively sneak it into existence. Their newest adventure? Batman Eternal #1.
Not only is Batman Eternal #1 in fact a New 52 title, it’s being released as a weekly publication for, you guessed it, 52 weeks. Oh, you didn’t guess a weekly book spanning for 52 weeks? Oh, well, it is. Don’t fret, your pocket book is safe, the book is $3, about $1-2 bucks less than normal books. Doing my math correctly, add 3 to approximately 4 weeks, that’s $12 a month, then multiply the 48 weeks left and BLAMO! $156 to complete the whole run. I’m not great at math, so I hope that all adds up correctly.
Enough about technical, number mumbo-jumbo, Batman Eternal #1 is pretty legit. Written by Batman’s famed writer Scott Snyder, you’re introduction to Batman is what is only called “the End”. It’s now your civic duty to find out what put Batman in this predicament. I’ll give you a hint, it could have something to do with Commish Gordo becoming public enemy number one for involuntary manslaughter of 200 plus civilians. Gnarly right? No I’m not going to tell you how, you’ll have to pick up Batman Eternal #1 and see it for yourself, but trust me, it’s well worth it.
I know you’d expect to see the now popular Bat artist Greg Capullo with Snyder, but for this iteration one James Tynion IV teams up with Scotty Batwriter. Nothing too crazy here, it’s solid and safe work. Safe.
So you’ve seen how much it’ll cost you, but what does it actually cost DC Comics or its fans? Fans get to see Batman #28 continue onto the pages of Batman Eternal, and if they’ve been reading Batman: Dark Knight they’re SOL, that book is now gonzo.
Weekly publication + 52 weeks /Batman #28 – Batman: Dark Knight = Batman Eternal #1.
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