Wow, two good Superman books this month? Hot on the heals of Superman Unchained, another Superman book lands, this time with everyone’s favorite bat character. DC must really be tired of tossing out small books that no one wants to read and throwing in the heavy hitters that everyone cares about.
This book covers multiple timelines and features a villain I’m not too familiar with. I’m not too keen on all the DC baddy lingo ya’know. But do know this, the book handles both characters with extreme professionalism. Jae Lee‘s art brings out the dark in this book like a dimly light alley during a new moon. That’s the moon where there’s no moon in the sky if you’re searching for the analogy there, and has nothing to do with the Twilight Saga. When the timeline happens to shift you get a very brighter and much different style brought to the story thanks to Ben Oliver, the artist known most recently for his work on the first six issues of Batwing.
Greg Pak also posts an impressive showing with writing that keeps your eyes glued to each page. I expected as much since his X-Treme X-Men run was really quite good and ultimately under appreciated. There’s plenty of questions by the end of book one, so look forward to some strange happenstances in the issues to come.
You can read more of Burke’s reviews at nerdfarmblog.com and be sure to pick up all of the New 52 titles at Cosmic Comics! Las Vegas.