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Black Panther #1. A King To Lead A Revolution.

black panther #1,marvel comics,comic book review,cosmic comics!Black Panther #1 (2018) Review

All aboard the Black Panther hype train! Has everyone been enjoying the ride so far? Sure you have, Black Panther has been on a roll as of late. After making a very impressive appearance in the earlier Captain America: Civil War he headlined his own well received and very well reviewed Black Panther movie. All for good reason, Black Panther is a badass and it continues to show as Marvel releases its latest Marvel Fresh Start title, Black Panther #1 (2018).

Black Panther #1 (2018) escapes from Wakanda and ventures out into the deep reaches of space, thus the title “The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda”. Here we see a nameless slave in the mines of an empire rise up to lead a revolution. A galactic rebellion calling themselves the maroons see their opportunity to gain an edge on the empire, rescuing the nameless. He’s given the handle befitting of a legendary hero, he’s no longer nameless, he is T’Challa.

Marvel has wisely handed the reigns back over to Ta-Nehisi Coates for Black Panther #1 (2018). Coates is no stranger to Black Panther, he’s also no stranger to cultural issues surrounding African Americans as he also a correspondent for The Atlantic. He brings a certain style and respect to the book I think no other author can.

black panther #1,marvel comics,comic book review,cosmic comics!If having the privilege of Coates authoring Black Panther #1 (2018) wasn’t enough, the incredibly talented Daniel Acuna fills each page with his own special flair. The colors in each spread are bright and fantastic, almost magical. It reminds me a lot of Spider-Gwen and Earth 65, so obviously I love it.

So you have a strong cast boasting a seasoned author and a brilliant artist for Black Panther #1 (2018), what else could you want? Four varying covers of course! Cosmic Comics! Las Vegas has you covered there too!

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