“Saga of Dimension Z”
Marvel NOW! has been mixing it up throughout the Marvel Universe, super heroes teams not only getting new members, but also getting new creative teams as well. Well, Captain America is taking it one step further, he’s changing his dimension.
In a strange turn of events involving a one way subway trip to an alternate dimension, an alien enemy I’m sure Steve Rogers didn’t know was a nemesis has plans of creating a Captain America super baby! So maybe that baby is supposed to grow up and be a “super soldier”, but with all of the baby variant covers Marvel is pumping out, you never know. Cap Am is now trapped in Dimension Z with only his shield and no allies to turn to.
The story has a sci-fi, B-movie-esque look and feel, so obviously I found a connection with it. It’s not your typical Captain America story, things don’t exactly make sense, but it doesn’t really matter. By the end of the book, Rick Remender has something that’s very reminiscent of past Cable and Wolverine storylines. Once you read it, which you should, you’ll understand what I’m talking about, no spoilers for you.
You can read more of Burke’s reviews over at nerdfarmblog.com and be sure to pick up Captain America #1 and all of the other Marvel NOW! books at Cosmic Comics! today.