Captain America The Winter Soldier

Captain America, The Winter Soldier, AvengersCaptain America The Winter Soldier

Should you see Captain America? Yes! It’s a great action film! Cap, Nick Fury and Black Widow all look great. The most notable character introduced this film is Sam Wilson. Sam’s introduction and development through the film doesn’t feel pushed on the audience. The character becomes a brother in arms with Steve Rodgers in his battle for freedom.

The villains in this film are meant to be secret, but for comic fans and attentive film viewers you already know the secrets. It’s very sad that Marvel didn’t choose to keep it a secret in the marketing and promotion of the film. If you haven’t figured it out yet I won’t ruin it. The biggest flaw of the film by far is that it moves to quickly to properly become a suspense film. There is very little time to build any mystery between action scenes or shock moments.

Captain America The Winter Soldier needed to sacrifice a slower suspenseful feel to fit all the information Marvel needed to lead into Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. It does succeed in being a fun action follow-up to Captain America the First Avenger and is a must see for Comic Fans.

The Bigger Story
Spoilers to follow!!!!

This latest installment of Captain America is really the first film to tie into Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. The algorithm Dr. Zola developed to find threats to the future sounds like a fantastic starting point for the murderous A.I. that is Ultron. Which is great if you don’t know any of the comics. The only issues with this Cap film is Disney has dollar signs in its eyes!

Practically every scene has a Stark or Agents of Shield reference or is an actual plot point for Avengers 2. It is also laying the ground work for the introduction of a Steven Strange. Oh Who could that be?

The tie in to Agents of Shield is painful and overly done. Its like hey look at this “no name” Shield Agent he’s really important! No seriously he is. You really should watch our show on ABC on whatever date and time that is. Basically a bullshit plug for a show to make money.

It’s also obvious the Thanos story line that is hanging on the end of Avengers has been pushed back to Avengers 3. Iron Man 3 was chock-full of every tie in possibly. Why? Marvel didn’t know what is was doing at the time. Thor The Dark World introduces the infinity gems and leads to Guardians of the Galaxy kind of. Why? Guardians was already in motion, but with Thanos pushed till 2017 at the earliest, there wasn’t a way to tie Guardians to the Marvel Cinematic Universe without Thor. That only leaves Captain America: The Winter Soldier to set up Avengers 2.

Marvel and Disney diminished Captain America: The Winter Soldier for the payday which is sure to be Avengers 2: Age of Ultron.

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