Cosmic Comics Board Game Day:
An Afternoon of Casual Games
On Sunday, March 29th from noon to 4pm, Cosmic Comics is going to host an afternoon of casual board and card games. Cosmic Comics Board Game Day is a follow-up to MeepleCon 2015, which the store will be attending to help support the local board game community in Las Vegas.
Games for all ages and experience levels will be available to learn how to play. From family games, to beer & peanuts games, to the more intricite games for veteran gamers, all will be represented. If you are a beginnger or consider yourself a gamer, Cosmic Comics Board Game Day has something for you.
Bring the family to get in a game of Catan. Bring the kids to get in a game of TacDex. Bring your friend to get in a game of Marvel Legendary. Bring your enemy to get in a game of Super Munchkin. There will be something for everyone and plenty of people looking to get a game in.
There will be Demos available for following games to learn how to play:
Looney Pyramids
Walking Dead TV Card Game
…and more
There will be Casual Gaming for:
DC Deckbuilding
Marvel Legendary
Walking Dead Comic Board Game
Walking Dead TV Board Game
…and more
There will also be space for Open Gaming and everyone is more than welcome to bring their own games to play. Our manager Roland is known for bringing some gems from his personal collection.
Games will be going on all afternoon. Whenever you can make it down to the shop, come on by and hop in the next game. As always, be sure to visit us soon to #getyourfix of all things gaming!