Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 Review
So the Cosmic Ghost Rider is a thing. Is this the same Ghost Rider who ravaged the Guardians of the Galaxy back in ’91? Wikipedia cannot confirm this but, it looks like if you’ve been following the Thanos ongoing title you’d have seen him appearing in issue #13. A book I must pick up immediately. Oh look, it’s in ITS 5TH PRINT!?!
Look, Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 is just completely bonkers. I feel that a lot of people are passing this book up, and they shouldn’t be. It’s like a Marvel “What if?” book. “What if” Frank Castle inherited the powers of Ghost Rider and became a herald of Galactus? You should already be intrigued.
I can’t review Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 without spoiling the hell out of it, so if you don’t want spoilers and just want to take my word for it that this book is bat shit crazy then please by all means ignore this review and go pick up the book now. If you’re not sold just yet then listen to this Cliff’s Notes version of all the craziness that takes place in only issue one.
Begin with Frank Castles’ origin story, death by Thanos, sentenced to hell and “gifted” the spirit of vengeance by Mephisto, become a herald of Galactus, gain cosmic power, side with Thanos, death by god hand, then given blessed entry into Valhalla for some reason. Valhalla ain’t Castle’s gig, from there he cuts off Koldaxe The Grave’s nose with a busted bottle like he’s in some street fight, has a personal conversation with Odin himself, is offered to ride as the Cosmic Ghost Rider once again, Frank says it’s not his thing, Odin don’t give an eff, and BLAMMO Frank the Cosmic Ghost Rider rides again!
So what does he do first? Go to Titan to stop everything before it starts of course, he’s going to murder Thanos as a child. A penance stare later and baby Thanos is innocent, now what? Ride till you die suckas! It’s Cosmic Ghost Rider and baby Thanos strapped to his chest like some jacked up sequel to The Hangover.
Donny Cates and Dylan Burnett have a book here that’s just absolute unadulterated insanity and I loved every minute of it. Even just reading my spoilers isn’t enough, you have to see all these events happen for yourself. You have to see the last page and see the look on baby Thanos’ face as if saying “Let’s f**king do this!”. Yes, let’s f**king do this.
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