DC Comics Bombshell Covers

DC Comics Bombshell Covers

DC Comics Bombshell Covers Variants

From USAToday:

DC Comics covers are going to look a lot more retro this summer.

The publisher is pulling from its DC Collectibles Bombshells statue line inspired by pinups and fashion of the 1940s and ’50s for a series of variant covers in June. Like the statues, they will be designed by artist Ant Lucia.

“I’m so proud of the work we’ve accomplished on the Bombshell line and very excited to see them become part of the cover series,” Lucia says. “It has been a privilege to work with the team at DC Collectibles and watch these develop.”

Since their debut last year, the statues have put an old-school spin on female characters such as Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Poison Ivy, and they’ll be appearing on various variants throughout June. Plus, some of the covers will be debuting all-new designs by Lucia never seen before, including a take on Catwoman with a feline friend and a big honkin’ diamond. (She is a jewel thief, after all.)

“Having my art on the cover of DC’s comic books has been a dream of mine since I was very young so this is particularly special to me,” Lucia says.

The Bombshell variants are the latest in a variety of monthly themes. DC showed off a steampunk theme in February, this month see a bunch of Robot Chicken covers based on the Adult Swim show, and May brings a host of variants by artist Mike Allred done in the groovy style of Batman ’66.

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