Doomsday Clock

Doomsday Clock #1 Review

Doomsday Clock
Lenticular Cover

Doomsday Clock #1 Review

The time has finally arrived or well, is arriving, the Doomsday Clock 12 part mini-series is here. Look, I’m going to be frank with you, I couldn’t keep up with The Flash and Batman with “The Button”, I tried I really did, but by the time I realized I had missed some of the key Batman issues, it was too late, Doomsday Clock was hitting store shelves no more than a few weeks later. So, here I am, reviewing Doomsday Clock having only read Watchmen. But heh heh, I’ve read Watchmen so I’ve got that going for me.

Back on track, Doomsday Clock is the much anticipated sequel to Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ critically acclaimed series Watchmen. The first thing I recognized with Doomsday Clock, besides the similar visuals from Gary Frank was that the book was frighteningly real all thanks to superb writing from Geoff Johns (do we really expect anything less from him though, really?), and the stirring world political climate we sit in now. As I read the first few pages I couldn’t help but feel that everything happening in Doomsday Clock was one or two bad tweets away from happening here in the real world. I was only five at the time when Watchmen was released but I can only imagine that’s exactly what Alan Moore was going for when he wrote it, besides the whole tweeting thing.

Right out of the gates with issue 1, Doomsday Clock is already looking like an epic 12 part mini-series. I believe the hype is real, and this is coming from a guy who thinks most of DC’s catalog is over-hyped with lenticular covers (yes, ironically Doomsday Clock has one), endless rebirths, and… Metal. Geoff Johns isn’t recreating Watchmen, he’s not rehashing old tricks, he’s ushering in a new generations of anti-heroes, a feel DC has needed and has so far, obviously in my opinion, not been doing well. I only say this because if you can suck a skeptic like me in, you’re doing something very, very right.

Don’t sleep on this event, if you’ve been on the fence about this series, hop on over, it’s a dangerous road ahead but oh-so worth it.

And if you’re new to everything Watchmen and have some catching up to do, have no fear, we got you covered here!

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1 thought on “Doomsday Clock #1 Review”

  1. Pingback: Doomsday Clock 11:57 Release Event - Cosmic Comics!

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