Sirens #1 review
George Perez, the man, the myth, and the Hawaiian shirt wearing legend brings his own spin to Boom with George Perez’s Sirens #1. Written and penciled by the man himself and being pushed heavily by Boom Comics, Sirens #1 is sure to be a smash hit, right? Right?
I can’t and wont disrespect George Perez, I had the pleasure of meeting him at this years Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con and the man was incredible, all smiles, signing everything, and never turning down a sketch request, a legend most comic artists and writers should emulate and dream to become. So saying Sirens #1 isn’t a good book would be a poor review of the book that doesn’t deserve it, but saying it didn’t quite meet what I like in a book would be a better and more positive description.
Sirens #1 has lots, and lots, and lots of dialogue, very old school. Something I’m glad a lot of newer books have abandoned, but Perez is obviously old school so I guess it’s acceptable. It also jumps sporadically from different historical times including the future which makes it difficult to follow at times, but that’s not really the hardest part to follow about it. Within these times there’s a ton of characters and you’re never really sure who you should try to remember and if paying attention to these characters even matter.
George Perez’s Sirens #1 is a jump to the comics of the past, dialogue and story driven, with barrels of new fiction. I found it hard to follow and because of all the dialogue, rather boring, but I know there’s plenty of sci-fi nerds eating this up with both hands. It’s a very creative and smart book, it deserves at least a look see.