Ghost #1 Review
“In the Smoke and Din”
Let the hate mail ring in I guess, I hope it’s not too soon to include the late Patrick Swayze to hook in some readers about Dark Horse’s new Ghost comic. A comic book which indeed has nothing to do with the 1990 tear jerking love story. Alas here you are, still reading, so I’m going to assume your here for the book.
The mysterious “Mary” is with two of TV Phantom Finders, Tommy Byers and Vaughn Barnes after they accidentally summoned her during a scuffle with some thugs. Mary then kills one of the thugs and you find our group here in issue #1, on the run, and Mary has no idea who she is or what she’s from. Good stuff.
Mary’s a tad bit touchy, like PMS grumpy x100. Don’t say the wrong thing or she’ll rip out your heart, not metaphorically, I’m talking literally, heart in hand in front of your face, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom style. Attitude persists throughout the whole issue, add in some torture, then finish it off with a little Satan, and voila! Ghost #1.
I recently had a chance to review Kelly Sue Deconnick‘s Captain Marvel a few months back and if I remember correctly, it was pretty good. Ghost is actually running in the same direction, and you can really tell what Kelly Sue’s preferred writing style is. It’s not bad, it’s just really narratively driven. You want to read a deep, woman powerful story, Deconnick is gonna give it to ya. In the words of Maude Lebowski, the book “is commended as being strongly vaginal, which bothers some men.” Didn’t bother me, seeing Ghost as a powerful woman showing off some leg, I’m in, and apparently I’m a pig.
The book comes with an Alex Ross variant cover which I fell in love with, and a little birdie tells me you should pick up Ghost #0 if you want the full scoop on what’s going on in issue one. You can read more reviews from Burke over at and be sure to pick up this and it’s beautiful variants at Cosmic Comics! today. Tell’em Burke sent you and see their faces when they reward you with nothing for it.