Guardians of the Galaxy’s Krutacking Review

guardians of the galaxy 1,review,marvel comics,nerd farm blogGuardians of the Galaxy #1 Review

Hopefully you got a chance to read last months Guardians of the Galaxy 0.1, to help introduce Peter Quill, the Star-Lord of Spartax, and his relationship with his father, the King of the Spartax Planetary system. I’ll fill you in with a little juicy gossip, their relationship isn’t all peaches in cream, probably since Peter was left with his Mother on Earth before he was born, living his whole life thinking he was a bastard. Then follow that up with the assassination of his mother, and the attempted assassination on his life, thanks to the status of his unprotecting father and king. You know, that old number.

Suffice to say there’s some resentment from Peter and he wears it on his sleeves, among other pressures that he bears on his shoulders. Cut to the chase, Earth is in danger, the Guardians must save it from the Badoons…yada, yada, yada.

Brian Michael Bendis is on fire as of late, I mean, scorching hot, so the hype coming into this book was off the charts. Meh, is my response. While the book’s story is solid, it didn’t blow my socks off, something Bendis is doing in all his X books right now. Although I could easily see this plot going blockbuster Hollywood Sci-Fi all up in people’s faces. I did however love the cast of characters, a great fallback if this book doesn’t take off. Rocket Raccoon, the beautiful and deadly assassin Gamora, Drax the Destroyer who’s name explains itself, tree thing Groot, surprise guest Tony Stark, and of course the Star-Lord of Spartax, Peter Quill.

What Guardians of the Galaxy lacks in narrative prowess it gains tenfold in Steve McNiven’s art. Holy crap does this book pop. From facial expressions to action sequences, everything is top notch and never misses a beat. The details are incredible, something that makes you want to study every page to make sure you drink it all up, take it all in. Definitely the strength of the book.

You can read more of Burke’s reviews over at and be sure to snag one of the beautiful Guardians of the Galaxy #1 variants at Cosmic Comics! today!

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3 thoughts on “Guardians of the Galaxy’s Krutacking Review”

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