DC Hill House Comics Review
DC has been pushing its Black Label side of comics pretty hard over the past year. Even bringing previously non Black Labels such as Batman: The White Knight under the new title. The DC Hill House Comics however are put into an even darker subset, a category dedicated to horror. This genre has often seen success from independent publishers but is generally lacking from the major players like DC and Marvel. DC pushing into this category without including Justice League Dark, Swamp Thing, or Constantine is a gamble. So does it pay off?
The trailer for DC Hill House Comics shows a disconnect from the genre unfortunately. It’s an attempt at what DC “thinks” a horror trailer should be without having ever actually seen one. As the descriptions for each book are appreciated, it comes off as an accidental trailer for a B movie.
Let’s ignore the goofy trailer and focus on the books. All of the Hill House books are short mini-series ranging from 6-7 issues, all with a little Sea Dogs story extra to finish off each issue. Basket Full of Heads dropped back in October and is arguably the best. These are my opinions of course, but I base that on the fact that Basket Full of Heads, so far, has the best story and art out of all of them I’ve read.
The quick takes on The Dollhouse Family and The Low Low Woods are pretty similar. Good consistent art that fits the horror style of each story. They look great, especially from Dani Strips in The Low Low Woods. Daphne Byrne was the hardest to finish, as I had to be completely missing something about the book for me to loath it so much. The Plunge looks very promising but unfortunately doesn’t drop until February.
The DC Hill House Comics series are a nice little experiment from DC. I applaud them for snagging Joe Hill and attempting something different than Batman, Superman, or some type of Crisis. Horror is an expansive genre that ventures into so many avenues, and the Hill House series definitely dabbles in a few. As with horror, not every type of horror is for every type of fan, however hopefully this little review will help you gather the courage to take a chance and try a few.
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