“Before Watchmen” Ozymandias #1 Review
“I met a traveler…!”
Like many of the previous Before Watchmen titles, Ozymandias #1 has Adrien Veidt recollecting the construction and destruction of his life before he undertakes his “great mission”, which I will keep a secret if you haven’t read the original Watchmen book. Ozymandias was born brilliant, inherited a proverbial empire, and decided to give it all away. His studies of Alexander of Macedonia left him determined to outmatch Alexanders life and empire. Adrian accomplishes and far surpasses his goal, but not without consequence. From this tragedy spurs the birth of the hero known as, Ozymandias.
Well, shocker, I liked this one. I know, I know, I like all of them, but it’s because they’re all so good. Ozymandias #1 is like number three on my list, just behind Minutemen and the Comedian. The art by Jae Lee is the best of the bunch. It’s bright with subtle contrasts. The sky and clouds can be seen in almost every panel, like a painted mural on the ceiling of a childhood room. Jae Lee really captures the demeanor of a maturing Adrian, from his low hanging head with a scowl as an angry child to a confident adult with a puffed up chest. The panels are unusual, mostly circular in nature, adding a unique touch to the already impressive book. The story isn’t afraid to be confident either. Len Wein has written a book that exudes Ozymandias’ personality. Each complimenting the other to create a book that looks and feels more different than anything you’ve ever read.
You can read more reviews from Burke at nerdfarmblog.com. Pick up all the Before Watchmen series with Ozymandias #1 at Cosmic Comics! and #getyourfix today.
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