Before Watchmen: Rorschach Begins this week. Rorschach, portrayed has a fascist and existing in the shadows and filth of the city in Moore and Gibbon’s original Watchmen, is the darkest of all the Watchmen characters. Brian Azzarello is the writer of this 6th Before Watchmen Mini-Series exploring the dark Anti-Hero. Azzarello is one of the best crime writers in comic books today.
His dark gritty Noir style story tell is a perfect match for Before Watchmen: Rorschach. Brian Azzarello is joined by artist Lee Bermejo who worked with him on the “..mouth-wateringly good.” JOKER story and LUTHOR. Not since Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons has there been a creative team better suited to tell Rorschach’s story. There are 2 amazing Variants to this book 1 by Jim Lee and one by Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Famer Jim Steranko.
Ed Brubaker the architect of Captain America for the past 7-8 years gets his shot at Marvel’s Epic summer story line, Avengers vs X-Men 10. There are only 3 issues left of Avengers vs X-Men and with every major writer and artist Marvel has thrown into the mix it has shaped up to be an Epic Story. As the battle between the Phoenix not so 5 heat up. Scarlet Witch is back in full force but is she enough to hold back the Phoenix force while Tony Stark(Iron Man) fixes his mistake. Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for Brubaker after Marvel’s Reboot (“It’s not a reboot!” said in a bad Austrian accent.) He will still be working on Winter Soldier.

Heroclix fans don’t worry this is a massive week for you too. DC Comics Heroclix Justice League is out this Wednesday, August 15th and the day you’ve waited 8 months for is here. The Infinity Gauntlet Final Tournament, The Chase for Thanos, will be Saturday, August 18th registration begins at 11am. This will be an all day Heroclix battle for your very own Thanos, the Mad Titan and other prizes!