Black Friday BAMF

Cosmic Comics! Says:Thank You for a Record Breaking Black Friday

Thanks to you guys, we had a record-breaking attendance Black Friday at Cosmic Comics!

Showing up to any retailer before six a.m. makes you a trooper.  Showing up to a comic shop before six a.m. makes you a certified Bad Ass Mouther !, so shout-out to the seventy-five or so of you who waited in the cold on Black Friday.

Black Friday BAMF
We know a Bad @$$ when we see one.

We saw more faces in the store this Black Friday than ever before, keeping us busy with a steady stream of old and new faces all day.  The day opened with a fantastic door-buster where we gave away more than 2000 FREE comics!  Following that were sales that lasted all day throughout our extended store hours.

We were fantastically busy all day long, and I was certainly having all kinds of crazy-busy fun from behind the register.  Customers hectically stashing merchandise behind the counter, and eagerly bouncing in line with every variety of nerd-desire.  We were also able to debut some new items on Black Friday, and I was curious to see what would be our next best seller.  I’m still holding out for those epic Wonder Woman PJs.

Everything in the store was on sale, and you can definitely expect to see more of that next year.  You want more free comics?  We’re going to give you more free comics.  Plan on even better door-busters next year, more items to choose from, and the great sales you’ve come to know and love.

We want to extend a considerable THANK YOU to all of you, our customers, for making an amazing day like Black Friday 2013 even possible.  We saw you in amazing numbers, and you made it a record breaking day for us!

Now, we’re looking forward to seeing all of you at our next major event – Free Comic Book Day 2014You guys make it possible for events like these to get bigger, better and down-right awesome-er every year!



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