Lois Lane #1 Review
How long has Lois Lane not been the damsel in distress? I don’t read any Superman books and have never even opened the pages of previous Lois Lane books, so I have no frame of reference. I do know this though, this investigative journalist isn’t effing around. She’s digging deep for her story and is letting nothing get in her way. Not even the constant threat of death from her country and abroad.
Lois Lane #1 is riding right along with the Event Leviathan event going on over at DC. I’ve read that book too and highly recommend it. Lois isn’t even on the books but she’s been working tireless to uncover the truth about government cover-ups and the death of a journalist over in Russia.
The book is highly political and hits very close to home. That’ll of course upset all of the neckbeards who cry foul anytime a strong female takes the lead or topics they find too “political” for comics. That however is a whole ‘nother topic as comics have always been inherently political.
Greg Rucka, the writer of Lois Lane isn’t one to shy away from touchy topics. Lane is relentless and fires on all cylinders. You’d expect this book from Bendis and Maleev or Brubaker and Phillips, the best teams in noir type criminal books. I really do think that the loudest and smallest majority of internet trolls will hate on Lois Lane #1 for covering serious current social issues. Cry that Rucka has a hidden agenda to voice is political opinion. Well too bad, pop culture would be boring if it was all Superman and rainbows. Ruffle some feathers, search for the truth, be more like Lois.
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