Magic the Gathering #1 Review

Magic the Gathering #1 Review. A Planeswalker’s Review

Magic the Gathering #1 Review

Magic the Gathering #1 Review

Magic the Gathering nerds unite!  Don’t take offense nerds, I say that in the nicest way possible.  I have nothing against card gaming, I actually tried Magic and it almost made my brain explode.  As soon as my friend started turning cards sideways I was like “whoa, officially too much” and ran out of the room screaming.  True story.  Anyways, Magic the Gathering #1 has arrived and it comes with a “Treasure Hunter” card that allows you to look through your library until a nonland card…blah, blah, blah I have no idea what any of that means but trust me you want this card, and the comic.

I’m going to call this first installment of Magic the Gathering “Treasure Hunter” because that’s the name of the card that came with it.  IDW has big plans for this series and they start off with a bang in issue number one.  Dack Fayden has stolen an artifact from The Cult of Rakdos and they’re rightful pissed.  Fayden, a Planeswalker and spells thief, isn’t interested in the artifacts physical value, instead he wants to know what the strange treasure has done in the hands of the cult.  He finds out that the piece he stole actually has history closer to home than he ever fathomed…

Finish reading this review here.

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