Man of Steel Trailer 3

Man of Steel Trailer 3

Good day fellow nerd crusaders! Your friendly neighborhood Dork Knight is here with another amazing trailer!

This time it’s the latest trailer for Zach Snyder’s Superman reboot, Man of Steel, and I am finally excited to see this movie now thanks to the Man of Steel Trailer 3.



I don’t know about you, but this is more like it! Up until now I’ve been very skeptical of this movie, but the new score (which I am hoping is insight to the new Superman theme because I really dig it) and the fact that this Man of Steel Trailer 3 did a perfect job of selling me on the movie without giving more than I already new about it away, have put me into the “excited to see this movie” column.

Zack Snyder, director of 300 and Watchmen, brings his vision of Superman to theaters June 14th. Man of Steel is produced by Christopher Nolan, director of the The Dark Knight trilogy, and stars Henry Cavill as Superman. The film also stars Amy Adams, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Michael Shannon, Russell Crowe, Antje Traue, Ayelet Zurer, Henry Lennix, Christopher Meloni and Laurence Fishburne.

Source: Man of Steel Trailer 3

If you can’t wait to #getyourfix of all things Superman, be sure to stop by Cosmic Comics in Las Vegas for Free Comic Book Day 2013 for your copy of Superman: The Last Son of Krypton #1 FCBD Edition! What’s this you ask? Stay tuned as my next post for Cosmic Comics will have the details.

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