Marvel Knights Spider-Man is legit

spider-man,marvel knights,marvel comics,cosmic ComicsMarvel Knights Spider-Man #1 of 5

I’m going to come right out and say it, spoiler, this book is legit. I absolutely loved it. It’s exactly what a Marvel Knights should be, dark and harrowing, pushing its hero to the limits.

The beginning of the book faltered for about two pages, I think we’re all very familiar with our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man’s story, we don’t need to hear about it for the ten millionth time, and for those who aren’t, well, they’re probably not starting with Marvel Knights Spider-Man #1. After you get past the quick biography, the book opens up into a frenzy of hallucinations, monsters, and emotional disbelief. I was glued to every page waiting to see what was going to happen next.

marvel knights,spider-man,marco rudy,cosmic comics!The crazy story wasn’t the only thing holding my attention, Marco Rudy’s art was jumping from each page, grabbing my head with both hands and shoving its images down my throat. Fans of J H Williams III and Batwoman will instantly become fans. The images influences from Williams are uncanny, but deserve recognition in their own right. Truly magnificent.

Marvel Knights Spider-Man #1 from Matt Kindt and Marco Rudy was without a doubt, my favorite book of the week. I cannot wait for the next four issues, Spidey I feel, would gladly take a breather though. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but I think Arcade has much more stake in whats going on in the Marvel universe right now than it appears.

You can read more of Burke’s reviews over at and be sure to grab this issue quick from Cosmic Comics! Las Vegas today!

2 thoughts on “Marvel Knights Spider-Man is legit”

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