First off we’ve got another Marvel Knights for you. Marvel Knights X-Men if the title of the post didn’t spoil that one for you. MK X-Men distances itself from the larger portion of the Marvel universe, but still maintains the “searching for new mutants” story arc. Wolverine, Kitty, and Rogue are perfect for this book, especially since it takes place in a racist swampy area somewhere in the South, where mutants aren’t welcomed, hunted then murdered.
While Brahm Revel has written a pretty interesting book, and Cris Peter’s rough art makes worthy of its dark storyline, it’s nowhere near the amazing Marvel Knights Spider-Man book. But it’s clearly unfair to compare the two, since that MK Spider-Man was one of my favorite books since Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye. The important thing about MK X-Men is that any fan of any X-Men book will really enjoy this five part story, and at the end of the first book, you’ll see it’s going to be a rough and bumpy ride.
Second we fly on the complete other end of the spectrum with Valiant’s Unity #1. A variant cover sports the USA Luge team in their own little X-O Manowar garb, which is pretty cool. For this book, I thought Ninjak would have lived longer…
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