Morbius #1 Review
“Midnight Son”
So… Marvel NOW! and it’s infinite wisdom gave the living vampire, Morbius his own book, despite how you feel about it. And despite the preview in The Amazing Spider-Man #699.1, they decided to recap his sob story again in this issue.
Morbius leaves his superhero filled city in search of a new place he could live, and possibly make a name for himself, as a hero, without Spider-Man beating the living crap out of him. Here, he lives among the homeless and begins his search on what makes Brownsville the crime ridden city it is. This search could ultimately cost him his life…since he’s not technically a “real” vampire.
Ok, ok, I’ll admit, I was a little excited for this issue, Morbius is a mysterious character to me, and I was really looking forward to seeing him in a more front-and-center role. I’ll let you know now, the winds have been taken outa my sails a little. Morbius #1 isn’t a disappointment, it’s just forgettable. After the issue was complete, I think I would have rather had Morbius as a mysterious villain who always get’s outsmarted, than a hero who always get’s beat up.
You can read more of Burke’s reviews over at and be sure to get all your Marvel NOW! books at Cosmic Comics! today!