Munchkin #1 review
Munchkin, the RPG-like card game that I’ve always been curious about but too cheap to buy. Maybe I’m a little complacent in the fact that I really haven’t tried that hard to play it, or maybe I’ve been a little scared to, card games can be confusing, and a game meant for ages 10+ that could confuse me is intimidating. Well I can worry a little less now as Munchkin #1 is here as a creative introduction to the powerhouse tabletop game.
Munchkin #1 covers three different stories, all creatively describing what Munchkin is all about. Which pretty much boils down to gathering as much loot as possible and creating alliances until it’s appropriate to betray and burn every bridge you’ve built to the ground.
Munchkin #1 follows the same humor as the card game, or so I’ve been told since I haven’t actually played the game. Roland over at Cosmic Comics! assures me Munchkin #1 is spot on in that department.
While the humor in Munchkin #1 is pretty amusing, I was disappointed to see that none of the stories were pencilled by John Kovalic, the actual artist of the Munchkin card game. This is of course a small detail overshadowed by three fun stories full of some good laughs.
Munchkin #1 is a worthy introduction to the tabletop series for anyone who’s ever been curious about the game, which is just a little less intimidating to me now. Plus, as a bonus, on the final page of the book you get a card that earns you a free level, which I’d assume is a good thing. And lets all wish Boom Studios a happy ten year anniversary while we’re at it.
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