All-New Ghost Rider #1 review
Marvel NOW! attempts to revitalize the most curious burning skull faced devil rider that’s ever graced the pages of a Marvel comic book in All-New Ghost Rider #1. Writer Felipe Smith and artist Tradd Moore want you to read this book asking if Ghost Rider is “Good or Evil” or “Angel or Demon”. Either way, with a tag line like “Let’s Ride” gracing the first page, there’s bound to be some riding of the iconic flamecycle. Right? Que “Engines of Vengeance Part 1”.
All-New Ghost Rider #1 isn’t subtle, like not at all. Robbie Reyes, the newest Ghost Rider, has a brother who’s wheelchair bound and has some type of mental retardation, you would think this kid would catch a break, instead he get’s his wheelchair stolen. Who steals a disabled persons wheelchair? Who does that? Robbie gets his ass handed to him in the process of trying to retrieve it. Of course, Robbie can’t be a complete good guy, joining in on illegal street racing in a car that isn’t his, and betting a car that isn’t his.
Of course this doesn’t end well for little Robbie Reyes, how else are we going to see Ghost Rider explode without inner demons?
While I think Felipe Smith has written a decent story, his script needs a little work. I don’t exactly live in East LA, but I’m pretty sure people don’t talk like they do in this book. The art Tradd Moore brings to the table is different, less intense than the book deserves, but it still works well. I enjoyed the little added flare with the racing sequence of All-New Ghost Rider #1.
Still on the fence? Let me try and help you. Die hard Ghost Rider fan? You probably shouldn’t get All-New Ghost Rider #1, it’s not your traditional Ghost Rider, besides the retro classic outfit that’s now black instead of blue, and Ghost Rider’s iconic chopper has been ditched for a muscle car. Like the Ghost Rider character? Check out this book then, it has enough in it to draw new blood into the Ghost Rider franchise. Could really care less about Ghost Rider? Yeah, it’s a pass on that one then. Nothing in All-New Ghost Rider #1 screams “bring in new readers”, nothing.
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