New Warriors are new to me.

New Warriors #1 review

new warriors,marvel comics,cosmic comicsWho are the New Warriors? Who is this rag tag super hero bunch? I’m asking you, I really don’t know. I don’t even know any of their names. Ok, that’s a lie, I do know who Scarlet Spider is, wow, and Nova.

To inform those who aren’t informed, such as myself as I have the actual New Warriors #1 book in front of me, the New Warriors are comprised of (listed in order of appearance, not coolness) Speedball, Justice, Scarlet Spider, Hummingbird, Sun Girl, Nova, and some pissed off fish chick from Atlantis. They fight crime, and spoiler: Scarlet Spider is the coolest.

This amateur group of super powered youngsters don’t know they’re a team yet, and they haven’t realized that a bunch of Iron Man looking cronies calling themselves the Evolutionaries are coming to “cleanse” the entire human race. I smell a teamwork train wreck brewing, but only time will tell.

Christopher Yost and Marcus To really do make something out of nothing here. A superhero team has to start somewhere, although Wikipedia told me this team formed in 1989, I’m going to just go with they just aren’t that popular. Kudos to this creative team for actually taking on this project and constructing a well written and aggressive looking book. My only request, book needs more Night Thrasher. I found him on Wikipedia too.

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