x-o manowar 11,valiant comics,review,cosmic comics

Planet Death Starts Here!

x-o manowar 11,valiant comics,review,cosmic comicsX-O Manowar #11 Review

“Planet Death Part 1”

Aric of Dacia has lost everything, his family, his best friend, and almost Earth by an alien force known as the Vine. With the Vine’s own sacred armor, the X-O Manowar, Aric leaves Earth, determined to bring vengeance and death to the invaders home world.

Aric comes at the Vine’s home planet with pure and unbridled rage, showing no mercy, and feeling no remorse. The Vine’s race, seconds from coming to a bloody and abrupt end is haulted, as Aric is stopped dead in his tracks before his Vasigoth people’s lives become collateral damage.

xo manowar 11,cosmic comics

It’s not often you read a book where the “hero” devastates some alien planet, and Aric does just that, going on this rage infused bloodlust rampage in X-O Manowar #11. I mean the guy is chopping aliens in half, lopping off heads, and taking down entire alien fleets. You can see his passion, feel his anger. It’s actually all quite impressive. I think the other impressive note is how you almost feel sorry for the Vine.  Almost, since you then remember that they enslave humans and invade planets bent on genocide, so seeing a few get what’s coming to them becomes instantly gratifying.

This is the beginning of the “Planet Death” saga, and Robert Venditti has come out swinging for the fences. The destruction that happens in this book is really intense, then further emphasized by Cary Nord’s art. It’s a great interpretation of the narrative that brings balance to a pretty amazing book.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Valiant books are noticeably different, so check out what’s changing in comics. Pick up what’s sure to be a hectic series from X-O Manowar on March 20th at Cosmic Comics! You can read more of Burke’s reviews at nerdfarmblog.com.

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