Pro Wrestling Millennium Announces New Pro Wrestling Superstar Appearance At Cosmic Comics
Cosmic Comics will host a special PWM Meet and Greet featuring pro wrestling legend, ECW original & Hardcore Icon, former-WWE & TNA superstar, Justin Credible Thursday, Sept 11th from 3p-5p. Come and meet PWM Superstars including Famous B with more Superstars to be added soon.
This will lead up to the Ultimate Freedom Pro Wrestling & Music Festival on September 13th. Howard Johnson Inn & Suites, (5300 E. Craig Rd, Las Vegas) is co-producing the all-day festival on September 13th featuring live entertainment including music, vendors and pro wrestling.
This event will be to honor all of the great men and woman who served in the United States Military these men and woman are our countries greatest heroes. Event proceeds from this event will benefit VFW Post 10047, a non-profit organization, where all donations are tax-deductible to go toward their programs including the National Home Fund, Cancer Relief Fund and Veterans Children funds. The VFW POST 10047 will receive proceeds of all ticket sales, food and beverages sales and all sponsorship/advertising sales.
The headliner of the show will pro wrestling legend, ECW original & Hardcore Icon, former-WWE & TNA superstar, Justin Credible and former WCW superstar, Buff Bagwell.
Tickets are on sale at the VFW Post 10047 at 4337 North Las Vegas Blvd. in Las Vegas, NV 89115 or at the Howard Johnson on 5300 E. Craig Rd. in Las Vegas, NV 89115. Pre-sale tickets are available at Cosmic Comics until Saturday, Sept 6th. General Admission is $20. Military, Veterans, & First Responders are only $10.
About Pro Wrestling Millennium:
Pro Wrestling Millennium is founded in Las Vegas, NV. PWM believes in a higher code of Ethics, in providing its customers with a “Fan Experience”, by giving them one great show after the other to be remembered long after the final bell.
Contact: Bambi Weavil,, 910-538-4309 or visit