The Punisher #1 review
The Punisher is back! Well at least back to an ongoing series. So it isn’t exactly The Punisher #1.NOW, but I didn’t know how to put it. The Punisher #1 of 2014 just sounds to generic. If I had a dollar for every Punisher #1 I’ve read I’d have like… okay, only $8, but you get the point. The Punisher gets a new “ongoing” series literally twice a year, Frank’s spread almost as thin as Wolverine at times.
The Punisher #1 from Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads is nonetheless a great piece of Punisher fiction. While not as good as Greg Rucka’s version, Edmondson takes Frank Castle back to his roots. He’s no longer this ghost like being who assassinates people at a whisper of his name, he’s back to the Frank Castle who would rather blow up floors of a skyscraper than sneak in undetected.
The story heads back to Los Angeles, a city that Frank can walk around during the day and never be recognized. He even eats breakfast believe it or not. Side note, my wife and I ate at the Nickel Diner, a small diner Frank frequents in the book. More of a cool moment for me, a “I don’t really care” moment for you I’d assume. The story’s title, “Memento Mori” means something in Spanish, I’m too lazy to look it up, just realize it has something to do with Mexican drug cartels, something the Punisher hates and will gladly try to dismantle.
I’m happy to see The Punisher back in an ongoing form, and I’m glad it’s in good hands. Edmondson’s writing is great for Franks libido, and Gerads’ rough gritty art style brings The Punisher #1 this underbelly of the city feel. Feeling like you need some badass in your life? Start with The Punisher #1.NOW, or 2014, or whatever.
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