Punisher Nightmare

Punisher Nightmare!

Punisher NightmarePunisher Nightmare #1 Review

“Enemy Close”

The first Punisher book of five coming from the “Writer/Producer of TV’s The Walking Dead!” At least that’s what the front cover says.

Punisher Nightmare is a dark and gritty journey into a soldiers life, much similar to Frank Castle’s, who’s family was slain right in front of him. Punisher plans to make the murderer pay via death penalty, but not before making a visit to the soldiers comatose body.

Let’s rip right into this shall we! This is one of the most narrative heavy Punisher books I’ve ever read, it’s chalked full of diary submissions and Frank’s own tormented thoughts. Obviously the book puts a familiar spin on the Punisher’s life, making this story a little more personal for Frank Castle.

After just finishing Greg Rucka’s latest Punisher series, and now starting his new Punisher: War Zone, you’d think I was tired of ol’ skull-chest. Not at all. What I am tired of is Punisher getting side kicks. When did he ever want a team? Never, so he’s just going to let some love lost vets become his partner? It happened in Rucka’s now it’s happening in Scott Gimple’s, kind of annoying.

Put the whole side kick thing aside, and Punisher Nightmare is a very solid book. It’s flaws come in the form of a few artistic fumbles in a few boxes throughout the book. Most upsetting is a scene where Punisher misses not one shot, but like four, we all know the Punisher doesn’t miss, especially when it’s a dude just walking outside a bar at night.

Not as good as Rucka’s work, but it’s a damn good Punisher title none-the-less.

Read more of Burke’s reviews at nerdfarmblog.com and be sure to snag all the Punisher books you can at Cosmic Comics! today!


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