Avengers vs X-Men AvX #4 Review

Avengers vs X-Men AvX #4 Review

Avengers vs X-Men AvX #4 Review

Avengers vs X-Men AvX #4 Review

After last issues amazing cliffhanger Avengers vs X-Men #4 slows down the tempo, but just a teeny weeny bit. Like if you took their volume nob of 11 and dropped it to 10, you’ed be right at Avengers vs X-Men #4. The war between the two factions now rage on far beyond Earth, reaching the outer rims of the universe and other dimensions. The search for Hope is proving perilous as the Phoenix comes ever so closer. Not even the mighty Thor can stop it’s descension on Earth. Hope has her own plans though, and they involve the Moon…and beer.

Of course I’m suggesting getting this book. I highly suggest you get this whole series. Marvel has pulled out all the stops to give you an amazing thrill ride throughout this battle royal. Take sides, don’t take sides, it doesn’t matter, the books are brain bursting joyous reads. If your idea of joyous is bursting your brain, but no matter, I believe you get the point. I still have my money on Wanda the wildcard, mark my words right now, she will be a deciding factor.

AvX: VS #2Quick Pick AvX: VS #2

When you do pick up Avengers vs X-Men #4 be sure to check out AvX: VS #2 this week also. Cap Am and Gambit duke it out while Colossus faces off with Spider-Man, *Spoiler* the X-Men actually win one!






You can read more from Burke at nerdfarmblog.com. In the mean time come down to Cosmic Comics! and #getyourfix today!

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