Dial H #1 Review

Dial H #1 Review. Dial H for HERO!

Dial H #1 ReviewDial H #1 Review

“What’s the 411?”

Dial H #1 is a new “The New 52” from DC Comics this week and has an unlikely protagonist named Nelson. Nelson is unhealthy, overweight, and depressed. He comes across his friend Darren who’s getting the living crap beat out of him by a group of thugs under the orders of a mob boss who goes by the initials, X.N.

In the most unusual of circumstances Nelson runs to a phone booth, which do still exist, and dials random numbers frantically while trying to call for help. This booth, much like Bill & Ted‘s has apparent mystical powers that dramatically change Nelson into things nightmares are made of.

Continue reading Burke’s review over at nerdfarmblog.com. Hint: I really enjoyed it, so after finishing this review head on down to Cosmic Comics! and #getyourfix.

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