World's Finest #1 Review

World’s Finest #1 Review. Huntress and Power Girl in World’s Finest

World's Finest #1 ReviewWorld’s Finest #1 Review


World’s Finest features Huntress and Power Girl a.k.a. Robin and Super Girl. I could continue further with their true identities but I’m sure you get the picture. I’m not so sure however, as to how often a series directly ties in with another series that comes out literally in the same week. Does this happen often? I dunno, but in this case it does. Worlds Finest #1 ties directly in with the other spanking new Earth 2 #1, which I would suggest you read first by the way. If you set yourself up for success and read Earth 2 #1 first, you’ll completely understand everything that’s taking place in Worlds Finest #1. You with me? Good.

Worlds Finest #1 takes place on Earth, but it’s not our Earth, or the Earth that Helena (Huntress,Robin) or Karen (Power Girl, Super Girl) remember. After the devastation that took place in Earth 2 the two lovely lady super heroes find themselves trying to return to the home they once knew. Super Girl still retained her powers after the accident and Huntress is still as smart and resilient as ever. Their chemistry is great as they speak to each other as friends and exude confidence by each other’s side in combat. It also helps that they have boobs.

Paul Levitz has written a great book here, combined with some fantastic art by Kevin Maguire, Worlds Finest #1 is a great addition to the epic nature of Earth 2 and “The New 52” DC franchise tag. You don’t have to be a fan of Robin or Super Girl to enjoy this book, it’s a fresh new take on the super heroines and their relationship during troubling times without the guidance of their mentors to rely on. It will be very interesting to see where this book goes.

Burke from also reviewed Earth 2 #1 for Cosmic Comics!. #getyourfix and pick up both of these great titles from Cosmic Comics! this week.

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