Wolveine #300 Review

Wolveine #300 Review

Wolveine #300 Review

Wolveine #300 Review

The Wolverine comic has adjusted it’s number back up to 300.  If you noticed last months was 30 then good for you, because this issue ties directly into that one with the exception of following it in numerical order.  The WCC (Wolverine Comic Committee, yes I did just make that up) decided to make the numbers “official” and match up with every Wolverine comic to date.  If you look inside the back cover of this issue you can see every Wolverine cover over the last two decades.  It’s quite impressive actually and the numbers to follow after this will be 301 and so on.  But let’s take some time to cover #300, the one I like to call, “War is Coming.”

After destroying “The Red Right Hand” from the ground up Wolverine is heading back to Japan to deal with a war between the Yakuza and “The Hand”.  This trip is a personal vendetta against these two factions who are holding Wolvie’s adopted daughter, Amiko Kobayashi, hostage.  Silver Samurai is dead with his heir in an unknown location, “Clan Yashida” is leaderless leaving the Yakuza trying to pounce on it’s chance at power.  The book is broken up into 7 small chapters, all with different art styles, some good others poor, which actually took a little away from the book for me…

You can read the rest of the review here.

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