Say No to Space Colonies. Roche Limit #1

roche limit #1,review,image comics,cosmic comics!Roche Limit #1 review

Let’s all just come out and say that Roche Limit #1‘s story is essentially Bioshock in space. Oh, you don’t know what Bioshock is? You uncultured swine!

Roche Limit #1 takes billionaire Langford Skaargard’s dream of an elite space colony and turns it into exactly what it would become when you have no policing and substances being refined into a drug called recall, a cesspool of organized crime. This broad premise is then refined into a woman in search of her lost sister, entering the dark depths of the colony.

roche limit #1,review,image comics,cosmic comics!I’m a huge fan of Bioshock, the under water city dreamt and then built by the millionaire elitist Andrew Ryan then in turn torn apart by lawlessness and rampant and uncontrollable plasmids. Roche Limit #1 is not much different, take the water and head to space and replace plasmids with recall. Voila, Rapture…er, I mean Roche Limit.

The story for Roche Limit #1 works for obvious reasons, but it also helps that the art from Vic Malhotra isn’t half bad either. Pick up Roche Limit #1 if you’re thing is sci-fi and downfalls of “advanced” societies.

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