Rocko's modern life

Rocko’s Modern Life in the Modern World

Rocko's modern lifeRocko’s Modern Life #1 Review

90’s nostalgia is a thing now, I know it’s hard to hear for some of us but yes, if I do my math correctly, it’s been over 24 years since Rocko’s Modern Life hit that beautiful channel with the bright orange couch. Twenty-Four years! Can you believe that? Boom! Studios with Ryan Ferrier and Ian McGinty thought that enough time had passed for them to re-imagine that lovable wallaby in comic book form, and re-imagine Rocko’s Modern Life they did.

This newest take on Rocko is Rocko’s Modern Life for the modern world. It’s Rocko for the millenials, and I’m not putting this as a derogatory term. Millennials get the shaft, they’re viewed as lazy and entitled, but the truth is, they’re hard working and doing the best with the hand they’ve been dealt. Rocko’s Modern Life #1 is exactly that, Rocko loses his job, can’t afford rent, and can’t find a job in a struggling city that’s crumbling around him. What lengths will Rocko go to and how much can he endure to just make rent?

I know that all sounds super serious and I just turned a fun loving kids comic book into a Lifetime Original movie but, I promise Rocko’s Modern Life is filled with comedic value. Ryan Ferrier captures each characters styles perfectly while Ian McGinty brings each of them from the 90’s TV screen into life on each page. I’d suggest trying to catch up on some Rocko’s Modern Life episodes so you can brush up on their voices and really bring the characters back to life.

Rocko’s Modern Life from Boom! Studios is a fun little book that’s the right amount of reality mixed with just the right amount of cartoon. Read and remember what it was like to be a stress free kid while remaining that same stress filled adult. You could also share it with your kids and show them just how cool the shit was when you were young and have them totally not care.

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