Savage Wolvie is Savage

savage wolverine,savage,marvel now,cosmic comicsSavage Wolverine #1

“Savage Part 1”

Shield Agents get stranded on a god forsaken island for eight months. Wolverine arrives in a manner reminiscent of Star Trek’s “beam me up Scotty”, and randomly begins his search for the lost crew.

This is probably one of the easiest reviews I’ll ever have to do since the book is f*c%ing amazing! Wolverine get’s to go berserk on dinosaurs and neanderthals! It’s like Wolverine gets unleashed to do everything he was made to do.

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Savage Wolverine from Frank Cho is one of the best Wolverine books I’ve read in a while, and that’s saying a lot since Wolverine is in just about gawd damned everything. If you want to see Wolvie in his purest form, do not miss this amazing book. Oh, and seeing Shanna prance around in her leopard print skivvies is always a good thing too.

Read more of Burke’s reviews at and be sure to pick up all of your Marvel NOW! books at Cosmic Comics! today.


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