September 2014 Heroclix Tournament Schedule
9/6 (8pm): Cosmic After Hours Presents: Keep What You Kill
Entry Fee:
Buy-in = $5
Re-buy = $5
Bulid Totals:
Players = 400pt Teams
Judges = 1500pts of figures
4 player multiplayer game on a 3×3 map.
Each player will begin in a starting area.
The judge’s force will be in the center of the map.
Turn Order:
1st Player – 2nd Player – Judge – 3rd Player – 4th Player – Judge
The judge will have 4 actions. (This may be increased to 6 if needed.)
A player can re-buy into a game (or another game in progress) and start with a 400pt team.
The player enters the game and places his force when it is that seat’s turn.
When a player re-buys into a game, the judge will add an additional 300pts of new figures to his force.
When the judge’s force is KO’d, that game is complete.
When a new game begins, players will need to buy into that game.
Player Bonuses:
If a player is KO’d and didn’t kill any figures or didn’t get $5 worth of figures, the judge will give that player extra figures as a participation prize.
9/13: X-Men 2014 Monthly OP Kit
500pt Golden Age
Modern Age Tactics only
X-Universe characters only
No Team Bases
1st Place = Full set of X-Men OP Kit LEs
2nd Place = Full set of X-Men OP Kit LEs
Fellowship = Full set of X-Men OP Kit LEs & X-Men Team Base from AvX OP Kit
Two Fellowship prizes will be handed out
Note: Must play a Named Theme Team to qualify for Fellowship
Door 1 = Full set of X-Men OP Kit LEs & X-Men Team Base from AvX OP Kit
Door 2 = Full set of X-Men OP Kit LEs
3rd-4th = 2 LEs of choice from X-Men OP Kit
5th-12th = LE of choice from X-Men OP Kit
13th+ = LE of choice from WXM OP Kit or AvX OP Kit
Entry Fees:
Entry Fee = $5
Entry fees will go towards adding a DoFP Sentienl Pack to the prize pool and/or store credit
9/20: Figure Bounties!
500pt Silver Age
No Resources
No Entities
There will be a huge list of Figure Bounties to be won during the tournament. Some old, some new, and some Unglued.
Bounties will include figures, Special Objects, LEs, and more!
9/27: Countdown to KO Scenario
400pt Silver Age
Scenario Details:
When one of your figures is KOed, at the beginning of your next turn, place that figure in your starting area, 1 click down from it’s previous starting line.
When placed on the map, the current click is considered the figure’s new starting line.
This overrides any other respawn or resurrection mechanic.
Once per game effects that have been previously used by this figure are still considered to have been used this game.
The opponent earns victory points every time a figure is KOed.
Figure Pool:
No figure can have more than 5 clicks of life
No Resources
No Team Bases
No Entities
For general tournament information view our Tournament Information and Formats page.
Don’t forget to register for all of the events in the WES: