Silver Surfer Black #1 Review
Silver Surfer Black. Let’s talk about it because, I don’t feel enough people are. A 5 part series featuring the fabled harbinger for Galactus, the one who possesses the Power Cosmic, Norrin Radd of Zenn-La. Tradd Moore joins Donny Cates on this ride through a dimensional rift, the black, then out but, to where?
I’ve been loving Donny Cates works over the past few years. The breakout hit Thanos brought us arguably the best herald, the Cosmic Ghost Rider. That’s if you don’t count the “What if?” herald of Galactus, Dazzler. He dabbled with Doctor Strange giving me one of my favorite Strange issues with #390 where he lets Spider-Man talk with his ghost dog with hilarity ensuing. That issue includes gorgeous art from Frazer Irving as well. Silver Surfer Black coincides with his current Guardians of the Galaxy run, continuing with the Thanos Wins team with art from Geoffrey Shaw. This Guardians of the Galaxy is battered and bruised and put up one helluva fight.
Not even an interdimensional rift can keep Norrin from saving the Guardians of the Galaxy’s asses in Silver Surfer Black. Unfortunately his rescue was a selfless endeavor leaving him trapped in the black. Travelers with with less powers and means of survival would die generations over, but not the Surfer. He searches the cosmos for the nearest light, life, and there, his journey begins.
Silver Surfer Black is a wonderfully underrated book. I don’t understand how people aren’t continually talking about this book right now. Donny Cates and Tradd Moore are giving universes we’ve never seen life. It’s very “Kirby”esque. Contrasts of colors and shapes shock the senses and heighten the imagination. There’s few books that I set down after reading and just look at them, attempting to piece together everything I just read. The beauty and thought provocation they imbue. Tom King and Mitch Gerards masterpiece Mister Miracle did it. Matt Fraction and David Aja’s epic Hawkeye did it. And now Donny Cates and Tradd Moore are doing it.
***Comes back and squeezes your face, “Read Isola, damnit!” then runs away***
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