snotgirl #1,image comics,review,cosmic comics

Snotgirl #1. Fashion. Blogging. Anxiety.

snotgirl #1,image comics,review,cosmic comicsSnotgirl #1 Review

It’s safe to say there’s been some hype behind Image Comics Snotgirl #1. Bryan Lee O’Malley and Leslie Hung have created stylized book for the new ages. I only say that because I’m quickly becoming old, to millennials, probably.

My great intro already introduced you to Snotgirl #1 and my skills in word play gave you a few clues as to just what Snotgirl is about. Style and millennials. Lottie Person is a 26 year old fashion blogger who’s been in the “biz” for nearly a decade, she’s talented, confident, and her thousands of followers on social media proves her popularity. That’s not all exactly true. Behind Lottie’s cool and confident demeanor lies a lonely and depressed girl with crazy, crazy bad allergies.

Much like Fletcher and Stewarts brilliant Batgirl run, Snotgirl feeds on life’s obsession with social media. Its filled with pages and pages of texts, selfies, and the anxieties that come with them. I mean, it would be strange to have a story about a blogger and not include some type of social media.

Bryan Lee O’Malley writes Snotgirl in a way that puts you in Lottie’s shoes. I don’t know how to explain the way it makes you feel, I don’t know if it’s because I am a little bit older than the generation who’s currently living this life, but Snotgirl filled the pit of my stomach with anxiety and made me thankful I wasn’t concerned with everything Lottie constantly worries about.

snotgirl #1,image comics,review,cosmic comicsLottie’s life obviously isn’t everything it appears to be, her exterior is nothing but a facade. Snotgirl #1 shows an insecure woman with out of control allergies, unanswered texts, lurking of ex-boyfriend’s Instagram, and social anxiety. Oh, and death. Haha, yeah there’s death in Snotgirl #1, thought I would just throw that little bit in there for ya.

I would love to talk to the youngens, hear the validity of most of the anxieties that Lottie suffers from, I’m sure they’re all quite real. That’s the brilliance of Snotgirl #1, the ability to give me perspective into a generation that I’m only a few years older than but so different from. Bryan Lee O’Malley and Leslie Hung have a book that needs to be read, it’s so different yet so familiar to what’s going on now. Now if only there’s some dank Pokemon Go memes in the next few issues, then you’ll know they’ve nailed it.

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