Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison #1 Review

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison #1 Review

Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison #1 ReviewStar Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison #1 Review

“Welcome to Coruscant- A good place TO DIE!”

The Star Wars universe can almost go wherever it wants to, it does however, need to be careful when it dabbles around very well known stories. Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison #1 takes place right after the formation of the Empire. Stormtroopers have just killed off the majority of the last Jedi’s and now officers of the latest academy were graduating into this new Empire. The valedictorian Laurita Tohm fresh from his graduation on Coruscant is given the orders to join Grand Moff Tarkin and his super secret project, *hint hint* it starts with Death and ends with Star. Of course nothing can happen that easy with spies around. Coruscant goes up in flames and Tohm is thrust right into the fray with the dark lord himself, Darth Vader.

Read the rest of Burke’s review over at nerdfarmblog.com and be sure to get this book while it’s hot at Cosmic Comics! to #getyourfix.

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