Straczynski brings the Final Battle in Terminator Salvation mini-series.

terminator salvation,comic book,dark horse,cosmic comicsTerminator is a beloved franchise of mine, I’m a fan of the first two original films, and the Christian Bale movie of this books same name was also pretty good (that’s Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle for those that don’t know the name of this newest Terminator book from Dark Horse), so I expect anything of the same name to be crap because I’ve set it up high on a pedestal that no creative mind could ever reach. J. Michael Straczynski though, he almost makes the impossible climb, almost.

Terminator Salvation really is nothing that new. It still follows the similar story lines of sending a terminator back in time, in this books case three, and the humans are always under powered yet one step ahead of Skynet by sending one of their own beforehand. There’s one catch though in this book, and it’s kind of important, and something I’m not going to spoil here. Cliffhanger review!

Fans of Straczynski should obviously get this book, I’ve heard he has quite the fanbase, so that shouldn’t be too hard, and then there’s the Terminator fanboys, they would probably enjoy this book also. Sadly though, anyone who doesn’t give two shits about Terminator would get nothing from this book. There’s no crazy action scenes or comedic value, just a lot of confusing time travel and self aware computer jargon that to the laymen, probably isn’t dreadfully entertaining.

Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle is a 12 part series, something that can go far beyond any movie ever could, so this series has the possibility of being quite the epic. Grab the whole series from Cosmic Comics!, I’ve been told they’ll have enough of each book to keep you on pace.


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