Superior Spider-Man #1 Review
“Hero or Menace?”
After the tragic and unfortunate end of The Amazing Spider-Man, Superior Spider-Man was born,with the body of Spider-Man, but the mind and temperament of one Otto Octavius.
To be, or not to be Peter Parker, that is the question: Whether it’s nobler in the brilliant mind to suffer,
the slinging of webs of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a city in trouble, and by opposing end them: to die, to sleep no more.
Poetic right? I thought I would put my own spidey spin on it, and hopefully got my point across. In short, Dan Slott’s newest friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is no longer friendly, instead a brilliant damaged soul with an uncertain future as a hero. It’s a Spider-Man we’re not used to seeing, so why does this fresh change feel so damaging? Probably because he’s a jerk.
It’s a book I want to see do crazy things, hopefully Spidey get’s the boot from the Avengers, that would be one for the books. Disappointment of issue #1: ghosts.
More of Burke’s reviews can be found at and be sure to pick up all of this weeks books at Cosmic Comics! Las Vegas.
So what’s your guess in regards to how they plan to bring Peter Parker back from the dead?
I’m not real sure, but *Spoiler* seeing his ghost actually affect Superior Spider-Man shows he has some power over his old body. It’s just a question if that Parker is even real.
If anyone read #700 and issue #1, they leave it wide open for Parker to return!
Yeah, they could have given us a couple issues before they brought in the Parker-ghost, but maybe they were trying to quell some of that internet rage over Parker’s ‘death’.
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