Superior Spider-Man is a Pompous A-Hole.

superior spiderman 1,marvel comics,marvel now!,cosmic comicsSuperior Spider-Man #1 Review

“Hero or Menace?”

After the tragic and unfortunate end of The Amazing Spider-Man, Superior Spider-Man was born,with the body of Spider-Man, but the mind and temperament of one Otto Octavius.

To be, or not to be Peter Parker, that is the question: Whether it’s nobler in the brilliant mind to suffer,
the slinging of webs of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a city in trouble, and by opposing end them: to die, to sleep no more.

Poetic right? I thought I would put my own spidey spin on it, and hopefully got my point across. In short, Dan Slott’s newest friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is no longer friendly, instead a brilliant damaged soul with an uncertain future as a hero. It’s a Spider-Man we’re not used to seeing, so why does this fresh change feel so damaging? Probably because he’s a jerk.

It’s a book I want to see do crazy things, hopefully Spidey get’s the boot from the Avengers, that would be one for the books. Disappointment of issue #1: ghosts.

More of Burke’s reviews can be found at and be sure to pick up all of this weeks books at Cosmic Comics! Las Vegas.


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5 thoughts on “Superior Spider-Man is a Pompous A-Hole.”

    1. I’m not real sure, but *Spoiler* seeing his ghost actually affect Superior Spider-Man shows he has some power over his old body. It’s just a question if that Parker is even real.

  1. Yeah, they could have given us a couple issues before they brought in the Parker-ghost, but maybe they were trying to quell some of that internet rage over Parker’s ‘death’.

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