‘ Mirth From Above’
The newest classic series for Batman could be one of my favorite newest series from DC Comics yet. Possibly because I’m a big fan of the classic Batman TV show, yes the same one this book is inspired by.
In Batman ’66 #1 the Batman and his dubious sidekick Robin must foil the Riddler’s attempts at stealing a rare artifact. One purrfect and curvaceous Catwoman may even make an appearance.
This book is nothing but fun and is a complete crack up. Anyone who’s seen the classic TV show will instantly fall in love. The pages are filled with psychedelic colors and groovy dance parties. The Adam West inspired Batman is as witty as ever and ready for anything. But there in lies the problem, what if the reader has never seen the show, and can’t put voices to the characters? What if they can’t add each persons quirky personalities into each line? Then the book can be a bit wordy and I think some of the goofball antics will be missed unbeknownst to some readers. I mean really, who would understand Dracula giving the Bats and Robin the-what-for from a window while scaling the cities tallest skyscraper? Spoilers there, but then again, that’s exactly why I loved it.
You can read more reviews from Burke over at nerdfarmblog.com and be sure to pick up all your Batman books at Cosmic Comics! today!